ISO 9001Ukas

About Us

The acquired technological knowledge, heightened entrepreunerial dimension, and continued collaboration with professional experts allows the Marovelli Group Srl, to carry out and supervise highly relevant works in all of the sectors of the building industry both public and private.

Our company has continuously evolved over time, keeping in step with, and often been ahead of, changes in both technology and equipment and we have continued to grow whilst retaining the professionalism, attitude and original spirit that has served to distinguish us in this sector.

We continue to be active in the a number of specialist areas of work such as renovation/restructuring, building reinforcement, civil engineering and eco-architecture paying particular attention to the ecological energy resources and requirement of buildings in the course of renovation or restructuring.

Since 2011 we have achieved and been awarded the Quality Certificate UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
Doctor Surveyor
Giancarlo Marovelli
Giancarlo Marrovelli
Real Estate

Marovelli Group srl Loc.Borraccia n.3 - Valdottavo BORGO A MOZZANO (LU) ITALY
info@marovelligroup.it Phone +39 0583.724464 Vat. N. 01854480462
Web by conceptio: Software house